Jackson Tower
Jackson Tower in 1992. Graffiti was rare, Broadway was always filled with cool cars showing off new wheels and stereos… Zero tents. Every time I look at this image I like to think “It’s never too late to find a solution.” Proceeds to this image will be donated to homeless related causes in Portland OR so that we can capture more images like this in our future.

Sedona Vortex
“Sedona Vortex” - Best known for having multiple, magnetic vortex location, Sedona Arizona had me questioning what planet I was on. The other-worldly soil color, accented by splashes of soft greens had me reapplying sunscreen while trying to keep up with my busy camera lens. More to be seen from this journey will be coming, but this one!..

Morena Ataahua - Good Morning Beautiful! - “Out of nothingness emerged Ranginui and Papatuanuku, the sky father and the earth mother, locked together in a close embrace, two parts of one whole…”

Morning Bliss
After the 2021 passing of my father-in-law in New Zealand came a barrage of miracles to assure that my kiwi-wife could overcome COVID lockdown restrictions to enter the country for our family. On our last of three weekends in spring of 2022, I was treated to several, early-morning miracles including this favorite in Whangamata New Zealand.

Moonset Manzanita
“Moonset Manzanita” - To watch the sunrise each morning is a joy in itself, to witness the array of early-morning colors that paint backgrounds for the moon and life makes me grateful to participate in this life.

Japanese Giving Tree
“Japanese Giving Tree” - To feel the energy of a garden dating back to 1400, Ryoanji Temple gardens are a Bucket-list must! The way the garden appeared to be reclaiming this wooden boat set my imagination loose on the cycle of life and my favorite kids book by Shel Silverstein.

“Enchanted” - More than a great backdrop for George Lucas’ filming of Star Wars (3rd), Jedediah State Park in the California Redwoods has an energy like no other. I love waking up to this image each morning.

Bridal Veil
“Bridal Veil” - True to it’s name, with a long exposure this view took me right back to my wedding photography days.

All Rise
“All Rise” - Arches National Park in Moab Utah at 5am, featuring the 3 Gossips (left) and other Jurassic-period wind sculptures.

Mystic Beach
Winner of two prestigious awards - The Gallery Award & Fuji Masterpiece, Mystic Beach became my line of demarcation between my retail career and pursuing photography.