I am grateful for the Awards, Honors and Testimonials for my photography, writing, service & presentations, but there’s something that matters to me even more.
My fulfillment comes from knowing that you felt that same warm, fuzzy, pang-of-appreciation by viewing my work, as I did by capturing or writing it. As prevalent in my writing I claim credit for nothing more than trusting nudges to be in the place that has allowed me to see what I am blessed with sharing. To experience the countless, serendipitous events and artistic, pre-dawn skies that I have make believing in a Deity a small stretch. A brilliant, mathematical, scientific artist that co-creates with us in an energetic vibration. In sum, I merely push the button.
“My work” is merely noticing, framing and sharing the work of “That, I Am…”
I hope that you find a message or image that will bring a therapeutic calm to your home and work spaces for years to come. This makes me feel greater than any panel of judges or celebrity endorsement can provide. That said, I invested a few thousand hard-earned dollars to hear from four business consultants that these awards should come out of storage and into public view.
“Brian Geraths brings an absolute truth to the old adage, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” Brian claims he has been a student of mine for over 15 years and after reading some of his adventures, you soon will realize he’s a living example for all of his teachers. His belief in, and application of Universal Laws have brought him profound awareness and extraordinary results. And now, the gift of his work and study is here for you. I’ve witnessed Brian's evolution from a Spiritual dabbler, to a manifestation Master!
He really gets it!”
Mary Morrissey - Speaker and Best Selling Author
“I've known Brian Geraths for over a decade. We've shared a love of books, art, intelligent conversation, unending curiosity and life-long learning, and if I know anything about Brian, it's this -- his generosity is unending, and he doesn't quit. If there is something he wants to achieve in his life, he will find a way.
His penchant for learning is insatiable. Fortunately, he also loves to teach, to share what he has learned with others, and he does so with passion and humility. It has been my immense good fortune to have been inspired and enlightened by his considerable wealth of knowledge.”
Graham (Sandy) Salisbury - Author and screenplay writer - “Under The Blood Red Sun” and many more…
I’ve had the privilege of hearing Brian Geraths speak multiple times. Each time I do, I leave better and more committed to being the best version of myself.
The thoughtful and sincere inspiration that Brian Geraths shares with the world causes a similar response in all of us that sense we can do and be more.
Justin Stoddart - Sales Executive & Author of “The Upstream Model”